Sunday, 23 October 2011

Locked out. And winter is here.

Spent two hours assisting the locksmith in trying to pick the seemingly impossible lock to my apartment with my French neighbour's expensive nailfile, a borrowed wire coathanger and an x-ray, in my hastily assembled 'burglar' kit. The locksmith meanwhile had a roll of the x-ray paper too, so not as bonkers as it sounds, along with an array of threatening looking metal implements, not to mention a very loud drill.

When I had left in the morning, my key had literally crumbled in the lock - broken in half. The joy. Guess what worked though? Yup, the coathanger through a hole to hook onto the inside bolt handle trick. Super low-tech and (whispers) my idea. The locksmith couldn't decide whether to be happy for me or not when it worked, since his pride had taken a bashing. 120 whole minutes though. With my kids high on chocolate jumping around in the lobby.

My friend whose husband is manager of a chic Paris hotel warned me that when I understood wine, I'd only be able to drink the 'good stuff' thereon. I scoffed at the idea of ever being that fussy about anything other than men. But here I am. As a celebratory toast to my return indoors, the Pinot Noir is screaming 'drink me!'  But it just ain't up to scratch.  I put the kettle on for an English Breakfast tea.

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