Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Fruit and Veg man.

So I'm en route to L'Usine and there's a man opposite grinning at me on the Metro. If you're reading this in the UK, you may not think that so strange, especially as I can still pass for 30 from a fair distance and am pretty sure I have plucked the latest stray grey hair out. Well, let this be hot news off the Parisien press; no one, but no one smiles in Paris. Not really. Unless they're crazy and/or US ex-pats. I couldn't work out if smiling guy and I knew each other or not. He looked familiar-ish. I half-smiled back in that I-might-know-you-but-nervous-in-case-I-don't-and-this-isn't-normal kinda way. Turns out we get off at the same Metro stop and as we're headed for the escalator, he grabs me and kisses me then strides off. Still no idea who he is and all the more strange for the ever so intimate act though everyone kisses in Paris (even non-Gay men), even though they never smile. Buying my bio carrots next day, I reach the cash desk and it turns out grinning, kissing man is the fruit and veg seller. Not sure if that's good or bad. Could get me a hefty discount on cocktail tomatoes which I mistakenly bought at around 2 Euros a pop. And those heavenly raspberries...that oh-so-seasonal asparagus suddenly seems a whole lot less extravagent. What, say 25% discount? Oh and no, not hot unfortunately. I know you were wondering.

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