Wednesday 20 October 2010

He who must be obeyed at all times. And isn't the husband.

It's been a while since I wrote. Busy times. The Dinard Film Festival which we help organise has been and gone. It attracted much more press this year, primarily as we secured Sienna Miller for the jury and Peter Mullan as a special guest.

Away from work and The Noise has turned into something else entirely; He who must be obeyed at all times and I mean all times or will throw almighty tantrum and most likely attack you. Also, is He who will not ever, never go to bed. Oh yes, happy days. A big part of the reason why I have no writing time. My life is one big toddler wrangle. I am attempting the art of deep, internal breathing since I'm continually reading that shouting at the very top of ones lungs right back (yup, that's me not him), may not be desperately helpful and might just scar the little bundles for life. Surely the most impossibly difficult teen would be easier than... This.

I'd turn to drink but since he's not sleeping properly, the sane side of me recognises that that would lead to perpetual hangover madness. Also, there's the terribly relevant issue that I'm about to become a serious wine student studying for my Sommelier Diploma at the one and only Cordon Bleu School here in Paris. I know! I'm awfully excited if a touch nervous as the nine month course culminates in a placement as a Sommelier's No 2 at a prestigious Paris resto!!